Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thematic Movie Scene

This scene from the movie The Lion King is the part of the movie where the main character realizes what he has to do in order to make things right in his life. In this scene he learns that he needs to go back and face his problems and return to his rightful place. I believe the theme is to always remember who you are and where you came from. It will always have an impact on your life. The scene is diactic because it is telling the audience to remember who you are. It never says you must go back where you came from and defeat the villain but the message is given as the scene progresses.

In the scene Simba is confused as what it is he should do but with the help of the wise monkey he is pointed in the right direction. He first looks into the water and only sees what he has become. This is what he is seeing in his concious mind. When he is told to look again he realizes the true message that is trying to be given. This is what is seen in the unconcious mind. Then he sees his father appear in the sky. At first he is overwelmed and almost can't belive that his father is back and talking to him. He doesn't know what to believe but decides to trust his father due to his love and respect for him. The scene makes him appear so small compared to the giant figure in the sky. Also he is always moving toward the figure showing that he is trying to move towards the "right" thing. This shot shows how much space there is. Kind of like Simba is out lost in this open field that represents the world and he is seeing the light ( his father ) and it is guiding him. This also shows the shape when comparing the size of one another. The rhythm of the scene is very emotional, dramatic, and has a lot of underlying meaning.  

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